Every girl has the pleasure of going through periods. But it is not very pleasurable for us because it can be extremely painful. In the end worth the pain as means you can reproduce and have children. Every month for about 3-7 days your period will last. For most girls the pain will ease off over the years but for some it could last their whole life. When they start can vary from 9-16 if you haven't started by 16 I'd advise you to go to the doctor and they can help you. If you haven't started yet and your 12-16 make sure you have some sanitary protection on hand at all times just in case. Periods can cause you to be really ill and vomit if this happens and you're at school you should go home until it is over. But if you're at home when this happens or you are just in a lot of pain curl up on the sofa or in bed with a hot water bottle and ice cream.
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