Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Lumps and bumps

Breasts are one of the first things that appear in puberty. When you start to develop breasts you'll know you're growing into a women most girls start developing 10-14 and you won't need a bra for about 2-4 months after they start growing. Most of the time they stop growing at 17 but they do change shapes and sizes, that is why every 6 months you go get them remeasured so you don't damage them. While they are developing you will most likely get growing pains while the tissue is developing. Bras get some getting used to and can be quite irritable or uncomfortable for the first few weeks but as the fabric softens and will mould to the shape of your breast as it creates it. Your breasts only produce milk when you have had a baby and to feed young babies is their only natural purpose.

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